A new season begins at TCC

Dear neighbors, friends, supporters and partners of Trinity Community Commons,

Since 2013, we have worked together to transform an underutilized church building into a space which reflects our shared belief in the worth and potential of ALL people. We began our journey together by listening to the community. Deep listening sessions helped us to understand the gifts and desires of each person we met. Even though the specifics were different, each community member articulated a different version of the same story: the importance of connection, the desire to have a safe space in which to learn and grow, and to have a place in the community which truly reflected the diversity and beauty of its people. We ate together, sang together, played together, grieved together and celebrated together along the way. I am forever grateful for these last ten years with you!

I am filled with deep gratitude and joy to announce the hiring of our new Executive Director, Zach Lykins. Zach and his wife, Rachel, are community members and have been involved with TCC for several years. Zach has provided leadership for our weekly community meal for the last two years and is locally known for his incredible sourdough bread and instant connection with the people he encounters.

I am honored to be changing roles from Executive Director to the role of Founder. During this transition period, I will be assisting Zach, the TCC Team and the Board of Directors to fulfill our vision of a fully renovated TCC facility, fully accessible to the members of our community. In the coming days, there will be many ways for each of you to continue investing in the meaningful work of TCC.

For now, please join me in welcoming Zach as the new Executive Director of Trinity Community Commons! If you are a neighbor and you’re looking for ways to get involved, Zach would love to hear from you! You can reach him at zach@trinitycommunitycommons.org or 901-356-0297.


Nate Paulk
Trinity Community Commons


Introduction letter from Zach