Making things new

After the fire in 2021, we salvaged wood from the sanctuary: mostly old pews & smoke damaged beams from the ceiling. The plan was to creatively re-use this wood in the sanctuary & community spaces after reopening.

I asked neighbor and woodworker JJ to get creative and put together something for Trinity. In just a few days, JJ restored wood from broken down pews and remade them into a new coffee table for us. Check it his work!

JJ shared his gifts with the community by transforming what was old and forgotten into something beautiful and new. And the table he restored serves such a great purpose! People will connect with their neighbor over a meal or a mug of hot tea around this table for years to come.

Restoring the commons together

Trinity neighbors are slowly restoring the building we get to share with the community: planting trees and perennials, rehanging & painting doors, replacing windows. All our neighbors have incredible gifts and skills to share with this community.

You are welcome here.

Love to redeem old things? Enjoy painting, planting, repairing, and creating in community?

Come join your neighbors as we restore Trinity Community Commons together. We’ve got benches to sand & paint, tables to build, and flowers to plant as we continue to cultivate a space of welcome & belonging for all our neighbors.

Come out to our weekly community dinner tonight to find out how to get involved in the next project!

Want to partner with us but don’t have time? Make a gift!

Everyone has something to share: some cook, some plant & paint, others donate. All these acts of generosity support the flourishing of our neighbors. Right now I’m looking for more neighbors who share our vision for a more beautiful community to partner with us financially. If you’re encouraged by what we’re doing, make a gift today, become a monthly supporter, or reach out to me directly to learn more about how to partner together: email me


“We want to welcome people like family”


Radical Hospitality + Trinity’s way forward